Sunday, June 29, 2008


Well, we are moved.  Everything is here, keys to the apartment are turned in and now all that is left is the daunting task of wading through all our stuff...I say "our" stuff, but really I mean "my" stuff.  Jake didn't really have near as much as I did, and boy did I have stuff.  I didn't realize just how much until this move.  I have really accumulated a lot over the years.  So, now is a good opportunity to reorganize and like the old saying "out with the old and in with the new".  This really does feel like home.  I say that because I was afraid it wouldn't, but it does.  It doesn't feel like an apartment and its so nice that it ours.  So, I'm looking around and realizing that we got quite accomplished and feeling very excited not only about our new place but all the of memories we will make here.  My life has been in a constant state of change for I will say over a year now, so while I've had my freak outs, I've become accustomed to it.  Now that this area of change has ended the next task will be figuring out what area is next.  I can tell you for me, it will be figuring out what do to about my new commute...lets see if for once God and I are on the same page.

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Amber@OneMamma said...
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Amber@OneMamma said...

I got your email as well and am excited that an opportunity has opened up closer to home.

You are on the right track in praying with Jake over this. Matthew 18:20 tells us, "For where two or three come together in my name, there I am with them." We will be praying for God's will in the situation as well.

I read a post on another blog the other day talking about how when things 'go our way' Christians often say 'that was SO God'. Just remember that if this isn't His will at this time, that it is still 'SO God'. He sees the whole picture, we only get a few pixels!

P.S. I had to delete my first comment due to a missing 'e'. Apparently 'ther' is not a real word.

Christine said...

Thanks for your encouragement. Jake and I are totally open to what God is planning, I learned a long time ago to just get out of the way. Thanks for the prayer as well, I'll need it :) Have a fun time in Colorado!!! I'm so jealous!