Saturday, June 21, 2008


Well, I feel like I accomplished something today...I know its a miracle.  Jake and I are dog sitting this weekend  for his parents and that allowed us to go and spend some time organizing the condo..or our place as we are calling it now for the big move next Saturday.  We worked for several hours over there today and things are starting to take shape.  The thing I am most excited about is the kitchen.  I unpacked quite a bit and there is still so much room left....its amazing.  I'll admit I've had my share of "private" meltdowns about the upcoming move, but as I was putting things in "their place"  I felt peace and excitement.  So many things in my apartment have been the same for years, move to move they remained.  Now its an opportunity to start new, sure there will be some things that are similar but I want our place to be a reflection of us.  My apartments have been a reflection of me and those that helped me move, so while Jake and I are verging on exhaustion by doing this on our own, its also a great chance for us to do this together and it can be ours...not just his and not just mine.  It truly is a great feeling.  Now this is not to say that in this final week in the apartment I won't have my emotional meltdowns...oh they will come, but they will pass and I will be left with my loving husband and a place for us to call home.  
As you can tell from my blogs facial I finally got our wedding photos.  Kathy Cole is amazing! Because for those of you that know me you know that I'm never very fond of my pictures, but I'm actually having a hard time figuring out which ones to pick.  I love them!!!  Once I figure out what I'm doing I will post some on the blog .  I'm so proud of them you will all be sick of them before too long.    
Blessings to all!

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