Sunday, June 29, 2008


Well, we are moved.  Everything is here, keys to the apartment are turned in and now all that is left is the daunting task of wading through all our stuff...I say "our" stuff, but really I mean "my" stuff.  Jake didn't really have near as much as I did, and boy did I have stuff.  I didn't realize just how much until this move.  I have really accumulated a lot over the years.  So, now is a good opportunity to reorganize and like the old saying "out with the old and in with the new".  This really does feel like home.  I say that because I was afraid it wouldn't, but it does.  It doesn't feel like an apartment and its so nice that it ours.  So, I'm looking around and realizing that we got quite accomplished and feeling very excited not only about our new place but all the of memories we will make here.  My life has been in a constant state of change for I will say over a year now, so while I've had my freak outs, I've become accustomed to it.  Now that this area of change has ended the next task will be figuring out what area is next.  I can tell you for me, it will be figuring out what do to about my new commute...lets see if for once God and I are on the same page.

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Saturday, June 21, 2008


Well, I feel like I accomplished something today...I know its a miracle.  Jake and I are dog sitting this weekend  for his parents and that allowed us to go and spend some time organizing the condo..or our place as we are calling it now for the big move next Saturday.  We worked for several hours over there today and things are starting to take shape.  The thing I am most excited about is the kitchen.  I unpacked quite a bit and there is still so much room left....its amazing.  I'll admit I've had my share of "private" meltdowns about the upcoming move, but as I was putting things in "their place"  I felt peace and excitement.  So many things in my apartment have been the same for years, move to move they remained.  Now its an opportunity to start new, sure there will be some things that are similar but I want our place to be a reflection of us.  My apartments have been a reflection of me and those that helped me move, so while Jake and I are verging on exhaustion by doing this on our own, its also a great chance for us to do this together and it can be ours...not just his and not just mine.  It truly is a great feeling.  Now this is not to say that in this final week in the apartment I won't have my emotional meltdowns...oh they will come, but they will pass and I will be left with my loving husband and a place for us to call home.  
As you can tell from my blogs facial I finally got our wedding photos.  Kathy Cole is amazing! Because for those of you that know me you know that I'm never very fond of my pictures, but I'm actually having a hard time figuring out which ones to pick.  I love them!!!  Once I figure out what I'm doing I will post some on the blog .  I'm so proud of them you will all be sick of them before too long.    
Blessings to all!

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Friday, June 20, 2008

My Blog Just Got a Facial!

My blog just got a facial at The Blog Spa and yours can too!
For a complete blog facial, contact Lisa EggeBrecht at or e-mail her directly at !

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Sunday, June 15, 2008


Isn't it funny how you don't realize you need change until you have to change? This is what I am experiencing right now. I'll admit that last week the move to the condo was still a bit difficult for me. I knew it was and is the right decision, but I was still struggling with how much of my life has changed recently. Then as God always does He showed me that change is exactly what I need. The more we move into the condo the more I can't wait to be there. The closer I get to getting my independent license the more I realize I need a change in regards to my job too. This I have known for a while, I feel God leading me in a direction I never thought He would lead me, but that was my first mistake now wasn't it, thinking that I knew what God had planned for me. Change is happening all around me and instead of finding myself shying away from it I find my self anxious for it. What is wrong with me???? I am feeling like God wants me to continue to change and grow, first with my marriage, second with this move and now possibly in the job arena. I love what I do now, but I need something else, something I didn't know I needed until now. Funny how God always knows and lines things up for you. Even if we don't see it, He is constantly moving in our lives. It amazes me when I stop and think about it and it overwhelms me too. Questions come, what if I can't do what God wants me too? What then? But, again that is me thinking I know....I don't know...God knows.
Those that know me well know that to hear me talk of change the way I am is almost crazy, but this is one more area of my life that God has transformed. It shocks me everyday. Please pray that my independent license comes through soon, it has been quite a nightmare for some really ridiculous reasons and I know in this area God is working and also pray that I can continue to sit quiet and listen intently to where God is leading me next....I'm so excited to get there :)

Monday, June 9, 2008


This is a hard word for me right now. Well, I guess I should say it used to be harder, but its getting easier. The reason this is difficult for me is this...Jake and I are moving. His condo isn't selling and after a lot of prayer and some tough discussions we know that what is best is for us to move. We are just wasting money paying rent and the condo is beautiful. So, in order to be good stewards of what God has blessed us with, this is our new path. This is a tough one for me. I'm leaving behind very good friends out here in the west valley, and while I have no doubt our friendships will not only last but flourish I have some sadness about not being able to see them whenever I want. I've lived out here for 3years so this is one more part of my life that will no longer be the same. And truthfully, things can't stay the same forever.
On the up side, I get to move into a beautiful condo with my wonderful husband. And it will be ours, we aren't paying rent we are making payments to our future. A future that we knew would take making sacrifices now, so that's what we do, make the sacrifices. So, overall I'm excited, there is some nervousness about the move and my new commute, and all of you know how I love change...sarcasm:) But I'm looking forward to Jake and I beginning our lives together in a place of our own. Our faithfulness to what God is calling us to do now will bring us great rewards in the future, this we know for sure. Thank all of you who prayed for the condo to sell and now I would simply ask that you pray that Jake and I make this transition smoothly and that we will be able to keep our eyes firmly focused on God and his plan for us.

Sunday, June 8, 2008

We're Baaaack!

Well, we survived Disneyland in June. The weather was fabulous but the crowds were abundant. I know the country is hitting hard times economically but you wouldn't be able to tell from the crowds at the park. We had a great time. We got our "just married" pins on Friday and got special treatment all was fabulous! Saturday was a bit busier. We had lunch with my friend Susan, her husband Steven and their new little girl Emmeline. It was a nice time of catching up. Now that we are back I realized I didn't take any pictures of the baby...what was I thinking? In the afternoon we met up with Jake's brother Steve. This is always an adventure, especially since he had a new "friend" with him. It was fun and we ended up having a great time. I attached some photos of the trip. And write a more in depth blog later. We are pretty pooped from our fun filled weekend.



Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Disneyland Here We Come!!!

So, Jake and I are out of here tomorrow. We are headed to Disneyland to hang out with Mickey and all his friends. This is one of the things that we really love to do together and I'm not sure it could come at a better time. After a long and stressful week at work for both of us and the frustration and stress from my car breaking down we need the time away. It will be a great way to leave all of our worries behind...well at least for a little while. I'm also very excited to see my friend Susan who had a baby recently. It will be nice to catch up with her and meet Emmeline, her new little girl. We will also be hanging out with Stephen, Jake's little brother...that is always an added adventure. I'll be sure to post photos when we get back.

PS: For those of you anxiously awaiting wedding photos, I should have something soon!
