As God does most times He sends you messages when you need them most. Today was that day for me. In our staff meeting today a co therapist of mine had devotions. He spoke about being thankful for the things that God has blessed us with and to not worry over the things we still don't have. This hit close to home for me because one of the questions asked was "when will you be happy enough?". He pointed out that we always say..."I'll be happier when....." you fill in the blank. I know for many years I thought my happiness would be found in a relationship. That was partly true. However, I also came to realize that being successful in that relationship required me to be content with what I had been given. This was exactly what I needed to hear today. A reminder to be happy with what we have and to not allow our days to be spent worrying about what we don't. He knows our hearts and already has a plan to meet those needs. I was reminded that we need to let him.
I thought I would pass that along to see if it would hit home for any of you.
29 January 2016
9 years ago
So interesting that you posted this...and that I happened to check it now--after I just emailed you. This articulates what is on my mind.
Being grateful in what I am given--whether it is good things or things that aren't easy. We are called to JOY...not HAPPY. Though, not always it truly is comforting to know God desires for us to have JOY.
Good reminder...and well said!
: )
Deb sent me your blog address. I'm so glad that we're all doing this. It makes keeping track of one another so much easier than these zillions of e-mails. I love your blog. Don't worry about the centering thing. I can't get a handle on it neither. By the way my blog address is: http//, I hadn't sent it to anyone other than the girls, but your one of them too.
OOPS I didn't proof & I did goof.
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