So, I got my hair cut tonight and I LOVE IT!!! I feel like 100lbs has been lifted from my shoulders. I had gone after our honeymoon to get it cut and well lets just say it didn't go well. It looked basically the same, but shorter in the back. Tonight there is a clear difference. Jake loves it, which I'm glad for, but truly I did this for me. I just got married and the hair I had was connected to my pre wedding life. I know this sounds a little weird, but let me explain. 2 years ago my brother was killed. Just like that, New Years 2006, gone. That is when I started growing my hair out. The past 2 years have held a lot of pain and ended with more joy than I could have ever imagined. But the pain seemed to linger. Maybe its symbolic, I don't know, but as I sit here writing this post I A few weeks prior to my wedding the man who killed my brother was sentenced and is now behind bars. God stepped in and took care of me again. As always, he puts something incredibly hard in front of me only to show me that He will never just leave me hanging. He may not answer the way we want him to, but he answers. I hate that one. That's the hard one for me. But, I'm truly the happiest I've ever been and it started with my wedding and ended with this new do. How can I not trust that God will provide. He has done it every time. Jake helped my heart to heal and that was a true blessing from God. So, now as I look at my adorable husband watching TV and feel the new shorter hair on the back of my neck, I'm reminded that God gives and he takes away. But never does He leave.
This might be a bit if a rambling post, but I hope it helps those of you needing a fresh start to begin new and look at all the wonders that wait when you are able to get through the darkness and begin again.
29 January 2016
9 years ago
Very awesome.
Happy you're happy :)
: )
Wow - this was huge - I can tell you feel free because you have just told the WORLD about the last two years - the two years that have changed you - FOR THE BETTER. It is SO true that ALL things work toward the glory of God - even the really crappy ones that WON'T EVER make sense.
I am so proud of you and what you are doing on this blog. You are an amazing woman and an amazing friend and it is about time the random people of the world (and even us old friends) get to see more and more of what you have going on in that head of yours...
I know you "only" have four weeks under your belt - but use this blog as the outline for the book!!!! :0)
I'm glad that it worked out this time. You'll have to tell Jan to keep it up when she 'fixes' mine next week.
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