Sunday, February 15, 2009

He's just not that into you...

Well, Jake and I went to see the movie "He's Just Not That Into You" for part of our Valentine's date night.  It was a cute movie and filled with a lot of harsh truths.  Honestly, I wish this movie had come out a whole lot sooner.  I felt so embarrassed for one of the main characters mostly because I remember the days that I used to do a lot of things she did to try to understand the guys I was interested in. The staring at the phone the reading into every comment made or even the comments that weren't made.  It was insane!!!    I left the theater feeling so grateful to have found Jake when I did.  He tries so hard everyday to be the best husband he can be and he does a great job.  He manages my mood swings easily and always knows how to make me laugh.  There are days when I just can't thank God enough for sending him to me.  So after watching this hilarious movie I was able to breathe a sigh of relief not only for finding Jake but in him finding a husband that will never stray or dare I say do anything with intention to hurt me.  I'll admit that fully trusting has always been a problem for me, but the longer we are married the more I trust, not just him, but in us and what we have found.  So, thanks for listening to this mushy post about how thankful I am for my sweet husband and our almost 1 year of marriage.  God has truly blessed us.  

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1 comment:

Lees said...

Great post! :0) You are the greatest friend and a wonderful wife - it has been fun to see you evolve into it!