Monday, August 4, 2008 far!

Well, day one at Remuda life is done and I have to say it was great.  That is not to say that there weren't times when I was freaking out about my new responsibilities.  Not to mention that I feel added pressure because I've worked at the Ranch and therefore I'm expected to know more.  There was  a point today as I sat in my temporary office looking around at the mess and feeling so overwhelmed at how I was going to pull this off.  Running adult body image groups...who me?  You've got to be kidding, I've worked with adolescents for the last 4 years, adults...YIKES!  But I found myself praying at 3pm that God would lead me, and He did.  At the end of the group, which ended up being sort of small I told the ladies they had done a good job and they thanked me...weird, why would they do that?  Well, one of them say "ya, who could have imaged that body image would be interesting", the other followed by saying that normally body image group is boring.  They complimented me then asked if I would be running more of their groups and I said yes, they were excited.  Of course this was a boost to my confidence because even though people tell me I'm good a what I do, I question my abilities constantly.  So, this was reassurance that God was once again present, not only in that group, but it confirmed that this was the decision that was best for me and for Jake.  
Now that I've tooted my own horn I'm sure tomorrow will be a disaster, but I will focus on putting God at the head of everything I do and trust that He is there guiding me, when things go well and even when things don't.  

The other joy of my day is summarized like this:

8:05, leave condo to go to Starbucks
8:15, leave Starbucks to go to work
8:40 arrive at work....yes that's right :)

5:05 leave work for home
5:45 arrive home, once again, yes that's right:)

Total miles 56, which includes my trip to the gym this morning(which I'm totally excited about) and my trip to the mall for fuel gauge isn't even off "F" yet.  

Time now is 6:40, I've had dinner and now Jake and I are relaxing together.  No stress from a one and a half hour drive home, no pressure to go to the gym, just rest.  God is good!

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Amber@OneMamma said...

Yeah! I'm glad the rest of your day went well! It sounds like you've made a good impression with your patients which is, I would think, super important! You are great at what you do--it is your gift from God. :o)


Lees said...

Duh... I knew you would kick butt! Can't wait for Thursday... and if tomorrow goes HORRIBLE... just remember you have HUMP day the next day!

Anonymous said...

So glad all went well - we knew that you would do well and hope the adjustments go smoothly. Enjoying cool Colorado evening with showers - wish you & Jake were here :)

ocm said...

Sounds BRILLIANT!!! I sure hope the rest of your first week went off without a hitch.

I'm still amazed...(ADULTS!!!~~~Scary!)

Just so you know....I miss your face.

: )
love dew