Saturday, August 2, 2008


I'd say something strange happened to me on my way home with Jake from dinner tonight, but for me what happened wasn't strange.  We had just gone to this new BBQ place that Jake was raving about and I'll admit it was pretty great and we were headed home to get ready to go to a get together we were invited to and it happened....a flutter.  Now the way I would describe a flutter is somewhere between butterflies in your stomach and your heart skipping a beat.  Flutters come when I am really excited about something, but its not your everyday excitement, its when I feel not only completely content but when I feel that God is truly present.  Tonight my flutter was about heading home with "My Husband" to "Our House"....flutter.  But they have happened a lot in my life;

My first crush....flutter..

Accepting Christ into my heart...flutter...

My first trip to Colorado...flutter..

My girls trips to Laguna Beach..flutter..

Seeing my best friends get married..flutter..

The first time I held each of my friends precious children..flutter..

Walking into Disneyland at Christmas..flutter..

The first time I saw Jake...flutter..

The night he asked me to marry him..flutter...flutter..

Putting my Wedding dress on..flutter..

Looking at the man I love more than I thought possible...flutter...flutter...flutter..

The realization that God created this man for me...FLUTTER....

And yes, even the thought of having my own child someday...flutter..

I love the flutters, I smile when I feel them, its a physical indication that God is working in my life and answering prayers that at times I am silly enough to think He doesn't hear.  He hears every prayer and though He doesn't always answer them the way we want He often answers them in ways that are much better!
Now I could go on and on about flutters, but I'm sure at some point you would lose interest, but I hope my thoughts on flutters help you stop and think about your own flutters.  What makes you flutter, or maybe it isn't even a flutter, maybe is something entirely different.  Whatever it is I encourage you to cherish those flutters and make a mental note to not let them slip away.  It's easy to do with so much on our plates, but make it a point to just stop and feel the flutter.

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Amber@OneMamma said...

Your post reminds me of one I read a few days ago about taking mental photos of favorite moments--ones that are so special they can only be from God's hand. Blink.

I love knowing that I've been a part of some of these 'flutter' moments for you and that you've been 'blinked' many, many times in my heart.

ocm said...

...and you have succeeded in bringing tears to my eyes :)

it is as bers said, so wonderful to know i've been a part of some of those flutters...and excited to look forward to what is yet to come. (christmas won't be quite the same...ya know?)

this is a great reminder...for you, 'flutter', for ber,'blink'....for me, cairns ...God cairns on the trail of my life--reminding me of brilliant moments when it was real that God was right there in my journey.

~*~love dew~*~

Christine said...

Amber, the Blink blog actually inspired me. She is an amazing woman. While mental photos are harder for me, the flutter makes up for that.
