Monday, August 25, 2008


This is going to be an interesting post, so bear with me.  Those of you that have known me for a while know that I have had a "hate/hate" relationship with my body.  Those of you that don't me that well are about to.  I'd like to say that as a professional therapist I got past my body image struggles years ago, but if I said that I'd be lying.  The majority of my life has been spent putting myself down and being really hard on my body.  I'm constantly trying to find ways to cut back or new motivations to get to the gym, but looking back on my life something occurred to me.  No matter how "thin" I was, it was never enough, in that moment I was still terribly unhappy with the body that God gave me.  The past month has been interesting for me.  Teaching body image to adult women I am realizing that I'm a hypocrite.  I'm encouraging them to appreciate the bodies that God gave them, when I am constantly berating mine.  The realization that I came to was this; until I embrace the body that God gave me I'm never going to be happy with it.  And as I was talking to a friend recently I realized that as tired as I am of being focused on my body, I'm even more tired of being negative about my body.  

God created me, it says so in Psalm 139, He created me and I am fearfully and wonderfully made.  Why is that not enough?  I used to think that if I was thinner I'd get a boyfriend, well, what does God do?  He brings Jake into my life at a time when I'm not sure I've felt worse about myself, and Jake falls in love with me anyway.  Now I have a husband who sees me the way God does....Captivating.  When I think about the look on my sweet Saviors face the day He made me it brings tears to my eyes.  If I allow myself to listen closely I can hear Him whisper:





And as sure as I am that my Savior rejoiced the day he created me, He created my husband to love me unconditionally just as I am.  And while that is difficult for me to accept at times I am also realizing that the love I see in Jake's eyes when he looks at me is only a fraction of the love my Savior has for me.  But He brought Jake into my life to help me realize that beauty is not the size in the back of my jeans or how many times I get to the gym or even how much Coke I drink during the day.  Beauty is my heart, my faith and my soul, those are the things that are going to make me beautiful...captivating.
So, I've written all this to say that I'm throwing in the towel.  I'm giving up the fight.  I'm not giving up on being healthy, I'm simply giving up on being unhealthy in my thoughts and words about my body.  God created every curve, every line, and I will work diligently to thank God every day for this body and while I know at times it will be tough, I am committed to loving me for me and seeing myself the way that God and my sweet husband see me.

So, I ask for prayer, this will be a hard habit to break.

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Anonymous said...

Yes we are fearfully and wonderfully made of God. I have always felt that about each one of "our" girls - you included. Isn't it marvelous the lessons we learn when we listen to God and watch what He can do. We luv you and Jake just as you are :) the other mom & dad

Auntie Em said...

I agree with your decision wholeheartedly. If the Lord wanted you to be skinny, you would be. The important thing is your health and I agree with your other mom, I love you just the way you are kiddo and also Jacob.

I'm exercising 3 times a week on Doctor orders, but this is because of my age and you don't have that problem.

ocm said...


: )

Anonymous said...

I am crying right now because I know the significance of what transformed in your heart and mind. I am so proud of you and how you have made a decision to truly believe what God has revealed to you. You are my insipiration--while I know this about you and God, I really needed to "hear" this message. Love you! BTW-have you started reading the book "Captivating" yet?

Christine said...

thank you all for your comments. I need the encouragment. My negative mind still creeps in, but I'm determined to begin to accept. Chum, I started it, but then stopped with all the wedding stuff, my goal is to make that my personal devotion and work on that while Jake and I do one together. Hope all is well with everyone!