Monday, July 21, 2008


Well, I thought it would only be fair to update all of you on how the goal of getting back into a routine is coming.  I'd say we are 80% there.  We are definitely getting back in the swing of going to church which is really nice for both of us.  The gym is what has been difficult, between not getting home until after 6, the humid 100 plus degree weather and Jake starting work before 6 lets just say it hasn't happened yet.  But with the new job on the horizon I think it will definitely be easier for me to begin going again soon.  Mentally and physically I need to get refocused.  I've been blessed with a husband who loves me unconditionally even if at times I can't stand myself, I thank God for him, and remember that just going a few times a week helps with the impending sense of yuckiness that comes from lounging about too much.  Another high point that happened this weekend is that we finally had a normal weekend.  We cleaned Saturday morning and then Amber, Jason and Miss Megan came over Saturday night for dinner.  It was fun to finally feel like we were getting our life back, it was good to catch up with friends and show off the new place.  This is truly what I've been waiting for...that everyday feel to our lives.  Its finally here and I'm thankful.  That's not to say that I won't complain about the "everyday" feel at some point, I am human, but I'm praising God for it now.  
Funny side note:  Jake reads the blog a lot, there isn't anything I post on here that he doesn't already know about.  Sometimes he teases me when I don't post often and I keep offering for him to write a post, but he shys away from he said to just say "Jake says hi".  There is Jake's official contribution to the blog :)

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1 comment:

Auntie Em said...

I know what you mean on not being able to find time to do the blog. I'm so very busy every day that the blog just doesn't enter my mind that I need to update. Maybe I'll get into the swing of things come this winter. Right now A-Med doesn't have a driver again (delivery person) so I'm getting ready to go out and load up my empty oxygen bottles and take them down for the swap. It will probably be 3 weeks before they get another delivery person. While I'm out I also want to look for some more grass seed to spot seed my lawn. I honestly don't know how I found time to work. Love yah both.