Saturday, July 12, 2008

Are we done yet?

So, this is weekend 3 in our new home.  We are now at the point where there is just little stuff that we need to do and some little stuff we just don't know what to do with.  I'm just about done with this whole move thing.  There is defiantly something to be said for routine.  I miss mine very much and I'm anxious to get back into one.  I know to some routines can be boring, but I'm a routine girl and lucky for me I married a routine guy, so our goal for next week, start a routine.  It's kinda sad when you have to goal to start a routine, but this is who we are :).  I'm still a bit in limbo in regards to a job, I have one boss telling me that I have a confirmed transfer down to the Life program and others saying that I need to complete the interview process, sooooooo.....I am in yet another situation where I am trusting God to make my path clear.  Jake really wants me to get the new job and I will admit there are definite perks, but I've also been through enough to know that above all else I need to trust God.  He sees the big picture and we only see one scene, so I go on Tuesday for my interview, hopefully there will be some clarity at that point.  I'd like to say I have more fascinating things to post about, but I don't really think I do.  Do we have a lot on our plate right I on the brink of learning what its like to care for an aged parent....yep.  But, those things are just side bars of our story.  Jake continues to amaze me as a husband, especially to see him interact so graciously with my Mom, he is patient and kind and not that I needed a reminder, but its acts like that that simply point out to me how perfect this wonderful man is for me.  He truly is a gift from God.  So, as he rests and I type I look forward to next week and the beginning of our routine as well as what new and exciting things we will get to do next.

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ocm said...

In the words of Genie to Aladdin: "Beeeeee yourself" :) I know you'll speak your heart at the interview...and hey-God is sovereign.

Hope the return to routine goes well :)

love dew!

Auntie Em said...

You have put the interview in God's hands so all will come out well, and if not the way you want the Lord has a reason.