Now, back to my original issue of not going anywhere alone. I like to be alone, Jake is out right now and I'm OK with that, I want him to go and have fun. But then the harsh reality sinks in and in an hour or so I'll be missing him and wishing that he would get home. I'm officially ruined. Ok, that's a little dramatic, but I can't tell you how many Monday nights I would sit at home and do nothing and not think twice, now its a chore. Oh the agony. Ok, I know more drama. So, I guess the bottom line is this. While I need and want to go places on my own I genuinely enjoy my husbands company and I'm working on coming to terms with the fact that being by myself doesn't feel as comfortable as it used to. Now, while I will be making more of an effort to venture out on my own, I'm also accepting that while going shopping is something best saved for girlfriends and solo trips, target isn't so bad with a cute boy:)
29 January 2016
9 years ago