Saturday, January 10, 2009

A New Year

Its hard to believe that this time last year I was anxiously awaiting our Wedding.  It seems just like yesterday that the preparations began, but truthfully its been almost a year.  Crazy!  
Our new year started off quietly since both of us were under the weather.  I'm not sure I would have done anything differently even if we were feeling better.  As most of you know Vince died New years day, so new years is just one of those days for me.  This year I had been rather quiet about Vince but my sweet husband was on top of it.  When I got home from work New years eve a beautiful vase of roses was waiting for me.  It was a wonderfully thoughtful act, one that I'll admit I did not expect.  I guess that even though he lost a brother as well, I never expect him to be thinking about it as much as I do.  But I know he does.  It is things like that that bring me to my knees and thank God everyday for the precious man he sent me.
Last year our lives were centered around the wedding, this year we are excited to continue to work on getting out of debt and getting back in shape.  There is always a ton of talk about the freshman 15, but no one warns you about the newlywed black hole.  All this bliss can do a number on your figure :)  I wouldn't trade it though, a few extra pounds is a small price to pay for the happiness I'm experiencing.   We are also branching out and joining a community group at our church.  This is a stretch for us, but we are committed and want to get connected in church not just show up on Sundays.  
So, as we begin the 2nd week of the new year we look forward to all the exciting things God has in store and the new people we will meet.  The other thing I'm doing right now is reading The Shack.  Its such a great book and truthfully I wish I had it after Vince died.  It definitely makes you think.  I'm not even half through and its difficult to put it down, its been a while since a book has held my attention like that.  
Well, I know this has been a rambling post, but what better way to start a new year of blogging:)

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1 comment:

WalkingOnSonshine said...

I have heard so many good things about that book! It is definitely on my to do list.

Glad this year was a little easier, love always eases pain. :)