Thursday, November 6, 2008

Catching Up

So, I haven't posted in a while so let me catch you up on what's been going on.  We had a small Halloween party on the 25Th here are some pictures...

Unfortunately we didn't take as many pictures as we thought, these were some of the best ones. Jake did the decorating outside and was very proud of his dead pirate.  We had a great time and it was fun to catch up with our friends.  The next week was Halloween so we carved a pumpkin, well I should say Jake carved it, I just didn't have the patience for it...go figure.  This is where I was going to put the pictures, but my blog is being stupid and as I suggested earlier, my patience can't take much.

As you all know its now November and we have a new President.  I have to say I've never been so glad for something to be over with in my life.  I hate politics and I hate elections.  It has been interesting for me to watch and hear the reactions of people now that a new leader as been elected.  Some are worried, others hopeful and yet others indifferent.  I have to say I'm in the indifferent category.  The things that would normally worry me about our new leader I try to put into perspective, most everything we have read or heard about him has been skewed by others, this was true of all election coverage.  Which I might add is why I hate it all so much.  But when perspective doesn't work I give it to God, because ultimately He knows how this is all going to work out and since I trust Him, my worry isn't going to really do much good.
And now we move on to the holidays.  I can't wait, as I'm writing this post I'm in long jammies and covered with a blanket, the windows are open and its chilly....FINALLY!  It really is my favorite time of year.  I can hardly wait to decorate and for Jake and I to have are true first Christmas together.  Its going to be great!  I'll keep everyone posted on the holiday happenings!

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