Sunday, October 19, 2008

6 Months!!!

Well, some of you know that today is our 6 month anniversary.  I really can't believe that its been 6 months already.  Time flies when you are happy and in love I guess.  We've been through a lot in the past 6 months and I'm not ashamed to say that most of it has been good stuff, a few challenges here and there, but for the most part good, good stuff.  Standing in church this morning worshipping my God that has done so much the realization at just how much my life has changed in the past 2 years washed over me.  Tears came to my eyes, my life is so different than it was not too long ago and I'm now experiencing so many of the things that I only dreamed of.  God is good!
We've been up to a lot this month as well, here is a picture of Jake and I at Rawhide, Jake likes haunted houses and all the spooky stuff associated with Halloween so as my wifely duty I went with him to a haunted house.  Needless to say I didn't see much but the ground since I refused to look up and let go of Jake...oh well, I gave it a try right?
The picture was taken post haunted house hence my calm appearance.  It was a great night, the weather was really cool that night, no really it was in the 60's we loved it.  
The past 6 months have been wonderful, again, not without challenges and learning curves, but wonderful nonetheless.  I really can't wait to see what the next 6 months has in store. 

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:) mls said...

Congrats - hardly seems possible but then neither does 40 yrs - and yes there will be bumps and humps along the way, but God is good and sees us thru :) ls

Auntie Em said...

Amen to what my dear sister-in-law said.

Just keep God in your hearts and your lives and everything will be OK.

Life is Good, Life is great.