Monday, September 15, 2008


So, I haven't posted in a while and mostly that is because nothing interesting has struck me.  Well, I guess I shouldn't say that, I do have quite a bit on my mind, but this blog isn't the place to work that stuff out.  I know, that sounds a bit cryptic, but not to worry everything is fine.  But back to my original idea for this blog.  Friday at work I was walking a patient back to my office and I felt it....a cool breeze, yes I said cool.  Now,  to most across the country what I felt would not necessarily have been considered a cool breeze, but to me, after months of blast furnace heat, what I felt was a cool breeze.  So, I was hopeful and excited.  Fall is coming, followed by winter and with that comes the holidays.  I'm particularly looking forward to this year.  Last year I was accepted with open arms into Jake's family and this year will just be more of the same.  I'm also looking forward to it because it also brings about a season of get togethers and family time.  A good time to get reconnected. 
Its that time of year when I want to start baking and decorating but its just still a little too hot, but I know its coming.  Its also that time of year when I open the closet and look at the pile of jeans just laying there, mocking me.  However, this year sticking with my new quest to accept what God gave me, I will face those jeans with new resolve.....if that doesn't work, I guess I get to go shopping:)

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Anonymous said...

As I sit here at the lappy in the "Normie" room, windows half open with that cool off the Mesa breeze - yes cool - it is 59 at 10:40 pm MDT with an expected low in the low 40s upper 30s. Yes it is fall in the Rockies and wishing all could enjoy the colors that are coming more each day and this delightful coolness as we get ready to return to the "hot spot" of AZ. :) N&L

WalkingOnSonshine said...

I too "feel" the cool in the air at random times. It is like the weather is teasing us with the hope of cooler days. I actually like this time of year when it cools slightly and you can wear shorts, or jeans, even when they mock you :)

Johan and Desiree said...


Such a wonderful blog. You are truly a gifted writer. It is good so good to read all of the blogs of the girls I grew up with. You all hold a special place in my heart and I enjoy re-connecting through the internet.


Christine said...

Its great to hear from you. The blog has been fun, do you guys have one? How do I contact you?