We also got new carpet...YIPPEE!!!! I love new carpet and since at some point we will sell the condo I was able to convince my sweet husband that new shiny carpet would help. Well, it didn't take much convincing. It's beautiful and definitely worth the 2 weeks of up hevel we have been living in. See, we were supposed to have it in 2 weeks ago, but it didn't come in when planned so we had been living in a house where parts of the carpet were torn up and nothing is in its right place. Those of you that know me know that this particular type of disorganization does not work well with me. But, now after 2 weeks and 3 nights at the in laws things are back to normal and more beautiful than before. Its like I have a whole new home. I'm thankful for that.
The beginning of this second year has brought a lot more gratitude than I thought possible. I was grateful before, but the ups and downs of the last 6 months has made be really focus on what I need as opposed to what I want. Now, I didn't NEED new carpet, it was definitely a want, but that aside life's priorities are still shifting and I'm more focused on what I need on a daily basis as opposed to what I want. Jake is a wonderful husband and in the last six months its been my job to remind him of that regardless of the circumstances. I'm focusing more on how I can lift him up than find flaws. I'm also so grateful for my friendships and my faith. Both have pushed me through so many ups and downs in my life that now is no different.
So, gratitude is again the feeling on my heart. It wavers, but it never goes away.
For that I will be forever....grateful.