Monday, August 11, 2008

God Answers

As most of you know Jake and I are on a quest to get rid of our debt.  There are several reasons for this, the most important being the ability for me to stay home after we have kids.  So, we are planning ahead.  In an attempt to get out of debt Jake made the decision to sell his car.  He doesn't drive it much anymore because he drives his work truck and his parents were gracious enough to offer us the truck for the next couple of years to use so that we can save some money.  So, in the auto trader the car went.  Now, I'm the sentimental type and while I was excited at the prospect of paying off a lot of our debt,  there was some sadness.  This was Jake's car, the one that we took our first trip to Disneyland in and the one we used to go on our countless dates.  But it was the right decision.  Over the past few months Jake has gotten a few calls here and there, but most of the people interested either wanted it for nothing or they were a little shady, so we waited and prayed.  Trusting that God would provide.  As usual Jake's faith far surpassed my own.  Then today out of the blue I get a message from Jake asking me to call him...weird.  He doesn't normally ask me to call him in the middle of the day.  When I do, I find out that the car sold and that the money was already in our account.  What????  No one called, there hadn't even been any leads.  But apparently it only takes 4 hours to sell a car.  Someone called Jake this morning, left work to come test drive it and...done.  
I cried.  Not because we are in dire straits financially and "needed" the money so badly, but because I was in awe.  In awe of the amazing blessings God is giving us.  As a couple we are trying hard to be good stewards of our money and to keep focused on God and his plans for us, but at times it doesn't seem enough.  We could always do more or try harder.  But much like I teach my girls and ladies at work, its not how much we do, its the state of our heart that God focuses on. 
Pure of heart,

Seeking Him first,




That is always the hard one.  I ultimately know that God will provide, but that doesn't make it easier to trust him for some ridiculous reason. So, after our celebration dinner and Jake's celebration strawberry shake( its good for you because its fruit :) ) the reality that a good portion of our debt will be gone very soon is still sinking in.  Gone...just like that.  I've said it before and I'll say it again; God is good!  Now if I can just remember that the next time I begin to doubt,  that would be a miracle.  :)

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ocm said...

Wanna hear something cool????


Yesterday I was driving and thought you you guys and the car situation...and took a bit to pray for you guys on you r debt free journey (I know how hard it can be) and that he would take care of the auto to eliminate that worry for you.


God is pretty cool...

love dew


Lees said...

ok... stop giving the guy a hard time about his fruit shakes... they are SOOO much better for you than chocolate... hee hee